May 02, 2019

_DSC4115Honor Flight Maine with banners blowing.
Breezy winds kept the banners blowing and the spirits high on this beautiful day in April.  There were ten hubs on the roster and i spent the day at the WWII Memorial and managed to photograph six. The gusty winds were pleasant as was the temperature but communicating with the groups was impossible with so I did a lot of waving and gesturing.  It worked ...more or less.   

Minnesota Honor Flight was accompanied by Tami Stieger so I let her do all the work and then slipped in and made a few pictures.  The group was small enough that they fit against the Wall of Stars.


_DSC4142WINDY!Winds bowed the head of the Honor Guard.


Cleveland was a small enough group that I was able to make a photograph of them from the side and I very much like the final composition.  

IMG_0339Cleveland Honor Flight

20190424-IMG_0343HF ClevelandThe Gibonys: flight leaders and husband and wife. I am noticing a lot of husband and wives and close family running these flights.

As the winds got stronger during the day, i kept moving the groups away from the fountain.  Everyone was very helpful in making the photographs possible. 
20190427-_DSC4392Honor Flight Columbus

Honor Flight has become so well known that tourists and school children all lined the walkway from Homeland Drive to the Memorial.  It's always quite touching to see everyone greeting the veterans.

IMG_0354IMG_0354 IMG_0355IMG_0355 IMG_0377IMG_0377 IMG_0390IMG_0390 IMG_0408IMG_0408   IMG_0408IMG_0408 20190424-IMG_041720190424-IMG_0417
IMG_0351Every Saturday, DCA Honor Flight Volunteers come in and shake hands with incoming veterans.

_DSC4443Pete Mackenzie talking to veterans before flag ceremony

Senator Dole showed up around noon and stayed for three hours shaking hands with veterans, tourists and international visitors as well.  

20190427-_DSC4273Senator Dole 20190427-_DSC4273Senator Dole 20190427-_DSC4273Senator Dole

_DSC4341_DSC4341 _DSC4169Students, tourists and families gathered around to greet the veterans _DSC4169Students, tourists and families gathered around to greet the veterans _DSC4169Students, tourists and families gathered around to greet the veterans _DSC4169Students, tourists and families gathered around to greet the veterans _DSC4169Students, tourists and families gathered around to greet the veterans _DSC4169Students, tourists and families gathered around to greet the veterans _DSC4169Students, tourists and families gathered around to greet the veterans _DSC4169Students, tourists and families gathered around to greet the veterans _DSC4169Students, tourists and families gathered around to greet the veterans _DSC4169Students, tourists and families gathered around to greet the veterans




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