September 01, 2022

vietnamwalladwobrVietnam MemorialA busy weekend with a Blue Ridge and several other Honor Flights

There is an app for the 55,000 names on the Vietnam Memorial which allows you to look up the location of names on the Wall.  There is a website for the names on the Korean Memorial "Wall of Remembrance" although it is designed to discourage rubbings but like the WWII Memorial, people will do what they do.  Some of the hubs like Central Missouri do etchings as requested by folks at home who couldn't make the trip and have made up custom paper with their imprint.  The etchings look spectacular and I asked Michelle Sprye of Missouri to write up a piece on producing these etching.

You've heard DC  referred to as the swamp and so it really is. All of our monuments and memorials are sinking!  Consistency and small print jobs on an annual basis help overcome the difficulty of doing an "up to date"  book on a group of buildings that seem to be in an endless rotation of construction. Apparently the basement of the Lincoln is undergoing major reconstruction and will be accessible sometime in the future....

The Park Police have a new stable located between the WWII and the Korea.  I predict it will be a major attraction. A long time ago...and far away...I did a story for National Geographic Children's World on how they train the horses.  I look forward to perhaps a repeat.  Below is a photograph of Blue Ridge Honor flight scheduled to fly soon.  It is lead by Jeff Miller who along with Earl Morse founded the Honor Flight Network.

Blue RidgeBlue Ridge Honor Flight at the LIncoln which will soon be closed so don't be planning on this angle for images!

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