September 11, 2018

Greater Layfayette Honor Flight

IMG_0202Bagpiper leads veterans to Memorial Plaza

So a couple of weeks ago, I ran a blog post entitled "Piper Available" and Dana Vann and Pam Hawk Mow of Greater Layfayette Honor Flight chose J.R. MacArthur to set the tone for this 21st flight. I met him at the Memorial as he was getting ready and it's quite a getup and fortunately, his wife was there to straighten him out.

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We had a great little ceremony and were able to photograph not only the veterans and the guardians but also the veterans alone and finally the WWII veterans.  If you are looking for color on a gray day, a bagpiper is just the ticket

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Pam Hawk Mow and Dana Vann have lead twenty one Honor Flights and this coming October will be the last.  I hope they stay involved in Honor Flight as they have a lot to teach and would be valuable telling their stories at the Summit.  As Gold Star mothers, they have paid the ultimate price and we can learn from their courage!

Honor Flight West Central Florida

I just had time for a nice stroll up to the Lincoln where I met flight leaders April Dennis Currie and Bev Frey leading the flock to the group photograph.  My buddy Tammi Stieger was the photographer for the day so I just chatted with Bev and April and at the last moment ran over and made the picture.  

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20180908-IMG_0235Honor Flight West Central Florida

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After the group picture, everyone scattered to the Korea and Vietnam Memorials and I took the opportunity to make a few more images and headed back to the studio to edit.  

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