July 13, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Based on sales history., there are "just enough"  WWII MEMMORIAL: JEWEL OF THE MALL books to cover the flying season   Normally deliveries take five to seven days.   As always, please get as much information as you can for hotel deliveries.... and please ignore me when I get cranky about hotel deliveries!  Books come in cases of twenty and samples are available.  Email me at [email protected]

Free Shipping .through the end of the year.

... Some of the hubs sell the book and I am happy that it becomes "self-supporting" in that context   I am delighted to be part of this effort.




DC PHOTO BOOK:  An Insider's View of Washington, DC is the most comprehensive and current coffee table book on Washington today.  It contains unique Memorial and Mall vistas and is the only book current with  the new Air Force Memorial, the 9/11 Memorial and unprecedented views of Arlington Memorial.   I consider the books historic document and they are updated every time there's something worth photographing!  With the free poster, it is perfect for Honor Flight Hubs transitioning to Korea and Vietnam.  The six pages on Vietnam are classic images made the day the Wall opened.  It was an amazing day and the images are a perfect tribute to our Vietnam Vets.



IY'S SUMMERTIME....DOWNLOAD A SAMPLE OF THE EPUBS!   I am working to introduce the book into educational curricula as many school systems across the country are adopting tablets.  The luminance of the backlit screen makes the images stand out far better than paper.  These E-ditions can be hooked up to a projector and distributed and reproduced in large quantity at relatively no cost.  It's free....and it's smart and all three books work on both Android and iPhone devices.  They can also be used on the buses to aid your passengers in their sometimes confusing trip around DC.  


Work (if I dare call what I do "work") continues on the new edition of 
TIDEWATER: The Chesapeake Bay in Photographs.  The photograph of the Heron below is one of my recent favorites and will be included with a few new images from my recent travels on the Bay.  





****Don't forget, to plan your photograph!y  I have put some 
tips for photographing at the Memorial on my website.  I just added a couple of pictures and it's constantly updated.. 

***If you are an 
Honor Flight leader, consider using the Women in Military Service For America Memorial for a lunch stop as they have the three things missing on the Mall:  a comfortable place to sit, cold water and most importantly, clean and comfortable restrooms. The cost of setting up tables for your veterans in the air conditioned luxury of the Women's Memorial is about one-fifth of the price of a tent rental (when that was possible) at the WWII Memorial!  Better yet, your vets get to see the construction and night views through my images.  Book in advance by emailing Donna Houle, the Director of the Memorial Education Center. Her phone number is 703-892-2606. While you're there, make sure you visit the terrace level of the Memorial.

***As you exit the elevator, you will find yourself right in the very center of the cemetery looking out to the Lincoln Memorial.  It's quite a panorama--so nice in fact that I donated two pages to it in my 





This show will be coming down end of September.  It was not originally intended to be up this long and while it has survived the blazing sun and humidity in the Women In Military Service Memorial Building, it needs some sprucing up.  Prints are always available at the Image Bank.


Senator Dole's "back on the prowl".  In the last month or so, he has been making a grand round of Kansas's ninety counties and his attorney Marion Warren reports that he is getting more press than ever.  His political style is something we yearn for here in DC.  Maybe it's time for a comeback!  Anyway, it's nice to him on his feet again. He's been at the WWII Memorial every weekend this year with the always charming Senator Elizabeth Dole.  They are pictured here with  John MW. McCaskill, John Liszewski, and C. Patrick McCourt.  DC  Volunteers from all three airports and the WWII Memorial are a credit to the city.  I am proud to be able to document your efforts although as everyone seems to be taking great pictures, we have great memories to share.  




Let me know what you think! As always, join the conversation on Facebook and Twitter.


Stephen R. Brown


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